Monday 27 October 2014

Ignorance and Knowledge

Everyone remembers his childhood.It is a period of eternal bliss far from the maddening crowds of the world.A child builds his own world around him full of fairies and strange creatures.He builds his own fantasy from the butterflies of life.He sees the world from his own lens;The lens of a child pure, simple and clean from the biases of the adult world.The world looks so beautiful and sublime from the perspective of a child.Then adulthood arrives from nowhere with all its burdens and responsibilities and the world changes.
It is the ignorance of the child that makes the world seem so beautiful and it is the knowledge of the harsh realities of life that make adults so miserable.With comeing of age as man becomes more and more knowledgeable about the world around him he becomes more and more pessimistic.A time comes when he asks himself a question which Hamlet of Shakespear asked himself:
To Be Or Not To Be....
The world then looks like a dark place full of dark deamons,ready to engulf you whether you do or do not make a mistake.

But the question arises that if ignorance is so wonderful,why,animals are the most ignorant or even more so are the trees and rocks!
Knowledge may bring with it those undeniable harsh realities but it also helps us to look at the deep mysteries of the world.It makes us curious to aks questions like:
 Who we are? Where we are? And what is the destination of this journey?
It makes us wonder,It wakes in us the senses which see beauty no one else can see and it invokes in us the pleasure which none can even dream of.
It may be a burden but it is a burden worth putting on your shoulder. 

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